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Building Awareness & Bridging the gaps- Linking to the Community!

At Link T.O. we love pets and people! That’s why we work to raise awareness in the community about animal abuse and its link to violence against women and children. We were thrilled to see that the Woman Abuse Council of Toronto (WomanACT) recently wrote an article about our work! Interested in reading it? Click here!

Tackling the issue of violence against women (VAW) is truly a community effort. With so many organizations having the potential to generate positive change in the movement to end abuse, Link T.O. recognizes the need to create and maintain professional relationships within Toronto's VAW and anti-abuse communities.

We believe that, when community organizations work in isolation from one another, they miss the chance to address violence holistically. Streamlining services for at-risk populations is one of the main obstacles faced by the social service sector. Creating a service that allows women and their children to leave an abuser and access the resources they need quickly and effectively, means bringing key stakeholders together. So, we applaud WomanACT for making it part of their mission to create a coordinated response!


We now know that 56% of survivors delay leaving their abusers due to fear for their pet’s safety and 85 % of abused women with both children and animals report that their children witnessed the threat or harm to the animal.

It is time to put an end to abuse against our vulnerable populations.

So, lets build awareness, band together and bridge the gaps! This is what Link T.O. and organizations alike strive for.

  • Want to learn more about "the link"? Click here.

  • Are you interested in signing up to be a SafePet foster family? Click here.

  • Consider donating to Link T.O. so we can help raise awareness of "the link", and stay in the loop by following us on Facebook and Instagram!

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MARCH 2022: WE ARE NOW SAFEPET ONTARIO! To subscribe to our NEWSLETTER, visit our new website!

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